We are there where change begins

We are there where change begins


Ideas are energy. An inexhaustible energy that produces changes. However, ideas on their own are not enough: they must be stimulated and shared to become tangible, creating various connections between people, giving birth to real thinking laboratories: places or occasions to establish a dialogue, look for collaborations and a space for all.

In order to do this, we contribute to Italy’s development and social growth by promoting events and projects that are provide tangible opportunities for education, training and especially meetings and inclusion.

This year we have supported some of the most important editorial tours: La Repubblica delle Idee, Panorama d'Italia and the Campiello Prize. We were sponsors of the Festival of Internazionale and Wired Next Fest, centered on the important issues of culture, current affairs, lifestyle and innovation and inviting prestigious hosts well known in Italy and abroad.  

Since 2007 we have supported the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani – Editori, an organisation that aims at turning young people into future critical readers, so they become better citizens, committed to change and democracy, with two strategic projects: “Newspaper in the classroom” and “Young Factor”, both aiming at providing all the possible instruments for growth and responsible information.

The future must be sustainable, innovative and accessible: this is our greatest responsibility to the next generations. Since 2003 we promote in schools a responsible energy culture with PlayEnergy, the educational project for schools, which involves every year 450,000 students in 13 countries where the company operates: Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Romania, Russia, Spain, South Africa. It brings into classrooms and on the Web a path full of ideas, curiosity and information, in order to build all together a future based on knowledge and intelligent and on the creative use of all resources.

Because we not only want to imagine the future, we also want to build it.