Building an electric future


The most recent studies on global warming demonstrate that the need to reduce air and environmental pollution is increasingly urgent. One of the main  causes of  greenhouse gas emissions is transportation, accounting for about one third of the total   CO2. In order to oppose  this threat, the European Union launched the directive  2014/94 - known as DAFI (Directive alternative fuel initiative) that obliges member States to adopt measures aimed at promoting the development of fuels different from gasoline and the construction of the infrastructure required for vehicle powering and recharging.

In particular, electric mobility is the ideal answer to city pollution and congestion. At the meeting  “Electric mobility: a plan for Italy. A debate between institutions”, held on November 16 in Rome, the debate centered on the development of a national strategy for the promotion of the sector. The event, sponsored by StartMagazine in collaboration with Enel, Assorinnovabili, Anev-National Association of Wind Energy, HERE, CEI-Chives and Lombardy Region, hosted two round tables, "The infrastructure in support of sustainable mobility" and "electric mobility for a new energy and environmental model" as well as speeches from representatives of companies, universities and institutions.

Enel, a leader in Italy with approximately 2,000 charging stations installed throughout the national territory, has been active for years for the spread of zero emission transportation in our country. During the conference the director of Enel Country Italia Carlo Tamburi announced that the electric company is drawing up a broad plan for installing charging points for e-cars on motorways and rural roads, adding up to the stations in urban centres.
Enel, in cooperation with A2A, Hera Group and Class Onlus, has drafted and signed in May a strategic platform for electric mobility in Italy, known as the Charter of Arese, which was shown during the conference.

The document, the only one of its kind in Italy, aims to summarise the guidelines for the development of e-mobility with specific measures such as incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles, reducing the cost of energy for charges, changing road regulation for public charging areas and policy for the development of smart grids.