Smarter and more resilient grids towards the energy of the future

We energize people with advanced technologies and resilient infrastructures.

For a safe green transition and energy that performs in line with our needs, we focus our work on the electrical distribution grid, making it increasingly smart and resilient.

Learn about the Executive Summary 2024 to understand how the energy system will change.

The goal of the Net Zero Economy is getting closer. Together with The European House - Ambrosetti, we have identified challenges and opportunities for the evolution of the electrical distribution grids.

The rise of RES, the greater electrification of consumption, the increasingly active role of consumers, but also the climate change, make it essential to upgrade the grids, the core of the entire energy system. 


Here are the 9 key messages of the Executive Summary 2024

The electrical distribution grid plays a key role in decarbonization and for a safe energy transition.


Previous editions

Ambrosetti Forum 2023

Strategic sectors to grow competitiveness and energy autonomy

Ambrosetti Forum 2022

A faster transition will bring concrete benefits for Italy

Ambrosetti Forum 2021

A common governance for the energy transition

Ambrosetti Forum 2020

A circular Europe, an idea for the future at the Ambrosetti Forum