Open Corporation, Enel leads worldwide


Entitled Open Corporation, the project was launched in 2017 to evaluate the performance of multinational companies in terms of various criteria linked to quality and sustainability: social dialogue, working conditions, social responsibility, finance, diversity, accessibility, environment and transparency.  In the 2018 overall ranking of 2,300 companies worldwide, the Enel Group took first place with a total score of 87.93, improving on the second place finish achieved last year. The next best performing companies are the Swedish Electrolux (78.11), the British Rentokil Initial (77.8) and the German Allianz (76.13).

Enel’s achievement becomes even more apparent when the data is divided into individual sectors: we lead in social dialogue, working conditions, finance, diversity and accessibility and are one of the top energy companies for the environment and social responsibility. Furthermore, Enel is the only company in the world to have over 75 (out of 100) in every indicator (and over 90 in 5 categories out of 8).

Open Corporation pays special attention to the trade union dimension, which brings together social dialogue, working conditions and social responsibility. Enel’s leading position is, therefore, prestigious recognition of its deep commitment to social sustainability, a term which embraces these three indicators and also includes diversity and accessibility.

Our model for social dialogue, which we are using to build a shared process that enables us to manage industrial transformation and generational change, was one factor that, among others, contributed to the first place in the ranking.

Recognition by Open Corporation not only rewards our commitment to the involvement of workers representatives in corporate processes, but also to the inclusion of local communities. This is demonstrated by our dialogue with the communities as part of the initiatives
 which aims to create a second life for power plants that have ceased production: a new future for each site is planned with the involvement of all the relevant local stakeholders, prioritising social as well as environmental sustainability.

The stated goal of the Open Corporation project is to make multinationals more transparent and accessible as well as improving the capability of workers and their representatives to exercise constant monitoring of corporate decisions and actions. Thanks to this recognition, our Group can be considered a point of reference at international level.