Well-being before GDP


The well-being of a community is based on many factors including social and environmental issues which, unlike economic markers, are hard to measure. This is one of the reasons why the steering committee “Benessere Italia” (“Well-being Italy”) has been set up by the Prime Minister’s office. It will advise on, coordinate, evaluate and plan sustainable development and equitable well-being.

The strategic aims of the steering committee were presented on 20 January at the CNEL (Consiglio nazionale dell’economia e del lavoro - National Council for Economy and Labour) event which was attended by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and other institutional representatives from the academic and business sectors, including Enel Country Italia director Carlo Tamburi.

Tamburi emphasised Enel’s role at the forefront of the energy transition with the establishment of Enel Green Power back in 2008. Today it is a world leader in renewables. Enel has aligned its corporate strategy with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, in particular SDG #13 (“Climate Action”), pursuing it through decarbonisation and investment in the growth and development of renewable sources, energy efficiency and network digitalisation. As Tiziano Treu, CNEL President, pointed out, greenhouse gas emissions represent one of the most significant indicators for measuring the sustainability of a business.

Tamburi summed up Enel’s approach by saying that “Sustainability is central to our strategy and to our business activities.”This commitment extends to our suppliers as we ask them to adopt instruments and tools to become increasingly sustainable.

Furthermore, we support young entrepreneurs and offer startups the opportunity to bring their innovative ideas in the field of sustainability to market with our Innovation Hubs. Sustainability is also at the heart of our activities and projects for training young people.

The steering committee is therefore an opportunity to focus on people and to contribute to the country’s cultural, economic and scientific activities.

But what are the other parameters for well-being? Science and technology on a human scale, the ability to put money aside for families, a sustainable health system and balanced lifestyle. Andrea Battistoni, representing the steering committee, also added social inclusion, fairness and quality of life.

In his closing address, Giuseppe Conte likewise talked about the energy transition, renewables, abandoning fossil fuels and the circular economy. He also made an important statement: from 2021, the CIPE (Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica – The Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning) will become CIPESS (Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica e lo sviluppo sostenibile – The Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning and Sustainable Development).

The Prime Minister also noted that sustainable development and environmental protection are integral parts of Italian policy and featured in the European Union’s founding treaties: both now and in the future, Italy cannot afford to turn back on these themes.