Rome, April 6, 2011 – Enel Green Power S.p.A. hereby informs that the Company’s shareholders mentioned below filed, within the terms provided for by the law, two slates of candidates for the office of Statutory Auditor, in view of the renewal of the Company’s Board of Statutory Auditors (whose term is expiring) put on the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting in ordinary session convened on next April 27, 2011, on first call, and, if necessary, on April 28, 2011, on second call.

  • The slate filed by Enel S.p.A., holder of 69,17% of Enel Green Power S.p.A.’s share capital is composed of the following candidates:

          Regular Statutory Auditors
          1. Leonardo Perrone
          2. Giuseppe Ascoli

         Alternate Statutory Auditor
         1. Giulio Monti

         All candidates hold the requisites of reputation, professionalism and independence as established by the legislation in force and by Article 24 of the Company’s bylaws.

  • The slate filed by Enpam Foundation - Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri and Inarcassa – Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza per gli Ingegneri ed Architetti Liberi Professionisti, holders jointly of 1,50% of Enel Green Power S.p.A.’s share capital, is composed of the following candidates:

          Regular Statutory Auditor
          1. Franco Fontana

         Alternate Statutory Auditor
         1. Pierpaolo Singer

         All candidates hold the requisites of reputation, professionalism and independence as established by the legislation in force and by Article 24 of the Company’s bylaws.

The above mentioned slates and the relevant accompanying documentation are available to the public as of today at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website (www.enelgreenpower.com, Section About us/Governance/ Shareholders’ Meetings2011/Election of the Board of Statutory Auditors) and on Borsa Italiana’s website (www.borsaitalia.it).

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From May 19th 2014 to June 30th 2015, Enel S.p.A. used the authorized mechanism for the storage of regulated information denominated “1Info”, available at the address www.1info.it, managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered office in Milan and authorized by Consob with resolution No. 18852 of April 9th, 2014.